Sunday, October 28, 2012

MH Marathon

For the third year in a row, our Pack manned an aid station at the Morgan Hill Marathon & 1/2 marathon. The boys, their parents, and a younger Girl Scout sister handed out water and Gatorade, and cheered on over 2,000 runners this year. It's always so much fun being out in the community, helping and giving back!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall Camping Trip

Hello Pack 766 families!!

There are still a few spaces available if you would like to sign up to attend the Fall Family Campout with Pack 766! Here are the specifics:

We will be camping at Mt. Madonna starting Friday, October 5th thru Sunday, October 7th however, Friday night is optional. The main activities will be on Saturday starting at 9:30am which includes dinner Saturday night followed by our campfire program!

If you are interested, please get back to me no later than Monday, October 1st! Cost is $35 per family for both nights of camping or $20 if you are planning to participate on Saturday only. As a reminder, pets are not allowed.

Please feel free to contact myself, Travis Tayor, or your Den Leader with any questions.

Denise Bautista
Webelos I Den Leader

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Morgan Hill Independence Day Parade 2012

Pack 766 was well represented at this year's annual Morgan Hill Independence Day Parade.  The boys decked out their scooters and helmets with this year's theme, "Happy Birthday, America!" The boys took turns carrying the banner while leaders distributed flyers and goodies to parade watchers!  A few of our boys even made the front page of the Morgan Hill Times.