Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall Camping Trip

Hello Pack 766 families!!

There are still a few spaces available if you would like to sign up to attend the Fall Family Campout with Pack 766! Here are the specifics:

We will be camping at Mt. Madonna starting Friday, October 5th thru Sunday, October 7th however, Friday night is optional. The main activities will be on Saturday starting at 9:30am which includes dinner Saturday night followed by our campfire program!

If you are interested, please get back to me no later than Monday, October 1st! Cost is $35 per family for both nights of camping or $20 if you are planning to participate on Saturday only. As a reminder, pets are not allowed.

Please feel free to contact myself, Travis Tayor, or your Den Leader with any questions.

Denise Bautista
Webelos I Den Leader