Sunday, October 12, 2014

URL for our Google Plus Account

Scouts and Scouters, Parents, Friends and Neighbors we have a new web for our Google Plus Page

In the Sprit

In the sprit of the Halloween Holidays I would like to present these two un-retouched images. I saw nothing like this when I took the pictures...but when I started to process them...there they are. Are these the ghosts of the Miller Family that are said to haunt Mt. Madonna, tiny imperfections in a filter or something else.....

Pack Meeting for Columbus Day

October Pack Meeting!

                                                             Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:30pm – 7:30pm 

This months Pack Meeting features a Rain Gutter Regatta. Use your boat from last time or build a new one.  Remember to bring your used Scout items for our Pack 766's Scouters closet!

Santa Cruz Boardwalk Overnighter

Photos from the Overnighter to the Boardwalk

More Photos from the Fall Family Campout

David DeHaven supplied these images

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

We Need Your Photos!

Cub Pack 766 we need your Photos. Send your Pack or Den Photos to and we will post them on the Pack Blog and Facebook Pages. Come to the October 13th Pack meeting to learn how to up load your Scouting related images to share with the Pack!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Popcorn Time!

Our Den's have been selling popcorn as part of our annual fundraiser at various locations around town. Scout Parents don't forget to ask Grand Parents, aunts and uncles and all those people that you have helped by supporting their fundraisers in the past.  Nearly 70% of the sales goes directly to our Pack and local Scouting!