Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 28, 2014.

Tonight San Jose Shark's mascot Sharkie joined member of the Pack in building and launching paper rockets as part of the Fall recruitment drive. A dozen boys and their family's showed interest in becoming new Tiger Scouts to night.

Blast Off!

Sharkie gives a wet Willy!
Sharkie back rides.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Upcoming Events!

Recruitment Event on Thursday, August 28 at 6:00pm, Comm. Park Playground
If you have friends or family members who are interested in joining Cub Scouts,
tell them about this event. We'll have stomp rockets, S'mores, and a special guest
appearance by Sharkie from the San Jose Sharks.
Service Project on Sunday, September 14 at St Catherine
Our host has asked us to help out with their Fall carnival by emptying the
recycling and garbage bins periodically during the event. If you have an hour or
two to spare that day, they'd really appreciate the help.
Service Project on Saturday, September 20 at Coyote Lake County Park
As part of Coastal Cleanup Day 2014, we'll be picking up trash and debris along
the shore of Coyote Lake. This will be another great opportunity to give back to
our community. If you'd like to help out, email Deborah Vick to sign up:
Fall Campout on October 3rd to 5th at Mt Madonna County Park
This is an event for families. There'll be tons of fun activities and chances for the Scouts to lern new skills. We'll provide dinner on Saturday night and breakfast Sunday morning. You can stay all weekend or just come up for the day. The cost is $35 per family overnight or $20 per family for the day on Saturday. Contact John Prescott to sign up:
Santa Cruz Boardwalk Overnight on October 10th to 11th
This is a fun, new event that includes camping on the Boardwalk, free play
in the arcade, an evening program with skits, songs, and a movie, dinner under
the stars, a morning sand castle building competition, and an all-day ride
wristband for Saturday. If you're interested in this event, contact Travis Taylor:

And before anyone forgets, our annual Popcorn fundraiser is right around the corner. Chris Bosso and Deborah Vick are heading up our effort and I expect everyone to give their full support in helping raise the funds necessary to pay for our program. Look for more information over the next few weeks and at our next Pack meeting on Monday, September 8.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

welcome back & recruitement

Our first Pack meeting is right around the corner on Monday, August 25, starting at 6:30pm in the parish center of St Catherine church. We've got some fun activities planned for the Scouts so the parents have a chance to reconnect with friends and fill out enrollment forms for the coming year.

The following Thursday, August 28, at 6:00pm at Community Park near the playground, Pack 766 is hosting a recruitment event for prospective Cub Scout families. If you know of someone who might be interested in joining, bring them to this event so all of their questions can be answered and their boys can get a taste of some Cub Scout action.

Our September Pack meeting on Monday, September 8 at 6:30pm in the parish center will be a chance to meet Scouts and their families who are new to the Pack. As always, we'll have some fun activities for all of the Scouts.