Friday, September 16, 2011

Pack 766 Recruitment...

This year's Fall recruitment meeting was a huge success (and can you believe our recruitment drive is still going?)! We had over 20 new families attend, along with our existing scouts. We are excited about the new families that will be joining our pack, and the enthusiasm level reached the ceiling! Thanks to the parent volunteers who helped keep the boys entertained with stomp rockets, Frisbee golf, the yummy Kettle Corn mirowave popcorn that was being sampled (that is one of the products the boys will be selling during our Fall fundraiser), and the extra yummy ice cream sundaes! It looked like everyone had a great time meeting new people and seeing old friends.

Building stomp rockets.

Liz promoting our Fall Fundraiser...Popcorn!
Making ice cream sundaes!

Denise and Jamie service up ice cream!

Parents helping the boys make their rockets.

Popcorn presentation during our pack meeting.

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