Monday, September 29, 2014

Popcorn Time!

Our Den's have been selling popcorn as part of our annual fundraiser at various locations around town. Scout Parents don't forget to ask Grand Parents, aunts and uncles and all those people that you have helped by supporting their fundraisers in the past.  Nearly 70% of the sales goes directly to our Pack and local Scouting!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Scouters Closet

Pack 766 is opening a 'Scouters Closet' to provide members of the Pack with uniforms,  written material and other scout related equipment. 

One of the major cost to families that take part in Scouting is uniforms.  Items such as hats, belts, neckerchiefs and slides are changed out each year as our Scouts progress in rank. Growing Scouts bust out of uniforms long before they wear out.

We are is collecting your lightly used scout uniforms and storing them until they are need by members of the Pack.

Items shall be provided to members of the Pack with out any requirements.  Anyone that asks will be provided with enough materials for their Scout.

If you have Scout related items (books, crafts, ropes and the like) we will welcome them all.

If you have something to contribute to the Scouters Closet please email Daniel  or Debbie Skeen or see us at the Next Pack Meeting.

Chabot Space and Science Center

Upcoming Event:

Pack 766 is going to the Chabot Space and Science Center November 15th for an overnight adventure!

Contact Deborah Vick for details.

Popcorn Time!

Dear Scout Families,

We have many exciting activities planned this year for our Scouts such as the Fall Campout, Pinewood Derby, Blue & Gold Banquet, Spring Campout and Rocket Day!  We are counting on the income from the Popcorn Sale to help offset or cover the cost of these events.  

Trails End is again our partner for popcorn sales.  70% of the popcorn revenue comes back to local scouting.  35% comes back to OUR PACK!  To fund our activities this year, we ask that each scout sells at least $150 in popcorn.  Believe it or not, a scout from Colorado sold $31,216 in popcorn last year!  The top pack in our council sold $27,968!  In 2013 we had a very respectable $5000 in sales.  If every scout just *meets* the $150 goal we’ll easily exceed that goal!  The more that we can earn, the more we can cover costs for events.

Ways to sell
Take Order
-          Friends, family & neighbors make an order, pay up front and the scout delivers the popcorn to them In November.  This is good for your neighborhood, work, church, etc.
-          Take order forms due to me by Oct 20.
-          I have forms for this.  I’ll have them at every scout event.  Your den leaders will also have forms.  Call me if you want me to drop some off for you!

Show & Sell
-          Scouts set up a booth outside of local stores and sell as customers come in. 
-          Many scouts have met their $150 minimum at just one show and sell!
-          Our currently scheduled dates are:
  • Sept 19 – 3:30pm-6:30pm @ Tennant Safeway
  • Sept 26 – 3:30pm-6:30pm @ E Dunne Safeway
  • Sept 27 – 3pm-6pm @ E Dunne Safeway
  • Oct 11 – 10am-1pm @ E Dunne Safeway
  • Oct 12 – 3pm-6pm  @ E Dunne Safeway
  • Oct 19 – 3pm-6pm @ E Dunne Safeway
-          We’ve created a Google Form for you to sign up.  Please sign up if you plan on coming.  We need to make sure we don’t end up with more than 5 scouts at a time.
-          The sales for each Show & Sell will be divided among the scouts, weighted by time attended.
-          Deborah and I are looking for more locations and dates for you.
-          Using the Trails End site, far flung friends and family can place orders to support their scouts.  The site has an easy way to send emails out for your scout.  Oh, and the popcorn is delivered to them for you!
-          The average online order is $48!
-          Here are Instructions for setting up your online account.
-          Last orders for the Fall season through Oct 31.


We have a lot of cool prizes for scouts this year too!
The scout that sells the most popcorn will receive a Crossman Pumpmaster 760  BB gun donated by our beloved Cubmaster Pat!
Second place will be a Lego City Police unit set donated by an anonymous den leader.

Any scout that attends 2 hours of Show & Sell will get a custom Pack 766 water bottle

Any scout that sells over:
$150 will receive a copy of “The Boy’s book of survival” or “Minecraft: Construction Handbook
$250 will receive a Geyser tube science kit
$350 will receive a lighted football
$600 will receive a stomp rocket set           
$1500 will receive 2 tickets to a Sharks game
$2500 will get 6% of their sales (and all future year’s sales) invested into their own     college fund

Also, the den with the most sales will get a special pizza party and the top selling scout in each den will have the honor of throwing a pie at their den leader at the next pack meeting!

We’re looking forward to a fun filled popcorn selling season!  As with last year, we will offer the $50 buy out option.  We do prefer that the scouts to do the fund raising themselves though.  It helps give them a sense of ownership in the pack activities and provides a wonderful growth opportunity.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Deborah or me:
Deborah Vick 619 254-0189
Chris Bosso 408 406-7200

Thanks in advance for all of your help in this important fund raiser for the pack,
Chris & Deborah

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Service Project This Weekend

Please join us in our upcoming conservation and “Leave No Trace Behind” Service Project.  Our Scouts will participate in the California Coastal Cleanup Day at Coyote Lake! 
Pack 766 believes that service opportunities allow us to share our time and talent with the community and teach the Scouts valuable lessons about helping and serving others. Coastal Cleanup Day is a yearly event where the public can keep our word away screen. This project helps preserve the habitats of wild animals and treats clear drinking water for us all. You can come and help us for as long as you like. Participation for at least one hour will help your scout toward earning the “Leave No Trace” award and patch.
This is a Service Project is a great fun opportunity to for Scouts to provide service to our community. Coyote Lake truly depends on all volunteers to help provide a clean  environment.   Please click on the link below to sign up for this exciting service project.
Meeting place: Please meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Campground’s Overflow Parking Area in Lakeview Campground at Coyote Lake County Park, 10840 Coyote Lake Rd in Gilroy. See attached map.
How to get there: From Highway 101 in Gilroy, take the Leavesley Road exit. Travel east on Leavesley Road 2 miles to New Avenue. Turn left on New Avenue and travel 0.5 miles to Roop Road. Turn right onto Roop Road into the foothills past the Mendoza Ranch entrance. Turn left into the park on Coyote Lake Rd and proceed one mile north to the campground’s overflow lot.
What to wear: Please wear closed-toe shoes and long pants. Be prepared for cool weather in the morning. If you have a pair of work gloves, please bring them. We will have gloves you can borrow if you don’t have your own.
What to bring:
 Water bottle, jacket, hat/sunscreen

Signed volunteer Consent form- This is a requirement for all volunteers under age 15.  Please see attached document.

Map of the event site:
Event Announcement

 Fall Campout October 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2014.

Mt, Madonna County Park
 (Arrowhead, Cherokee and Buckhorn youth sites).

All Scouts and their families are invited.

Achievement activities for Scouts include:
 Geocaching, Leave no Trace, Poisonous plants and dangerous animals, Knots, First Aid, Fire Safety and Building, Map and Compass, Treasure Hunt, Camp Fire Activities!

Overnight Campers cost is $35.00, Day Only $20.00, payable before October 1, 2014. John Prescott ( ) will be collecting the funds. You will not have to pay a fee at the gate.

Standard camping gear for this event. Remember it does get chilly in the morning and the fog may get things wet overnight (bring your rain fly!).  Sorry, Absolutely no Pets Allowed. Be Prepared to cary your equipment 50-100 yards.

Schedule of Events:

Friday October 3rd 
6:00pm - Arrive and set up camp – free time.
10:00pm – Lights out.
Saturday October 4th - Class A uniform
7:00am – Breakfast – Dens on their own.
9:30am - Opening Ceremony at the flag pole – Webelos Color Guard / Den training
10:00am - Geocaching / Hike by Rank
11:30am - Lunch @ Amphitheater.
12:00pm - Ranger talk on local wildlife / conservation project.
1:00pm - Return to camp (skit and song practice).
2:00pm -  Scout stations, 20 minutes each – Led by Boy Scouts
Station 1 – Leave No trace / Poisonous plants and dangerous animals.
Station 2 – Tent Race and knots (half and taut line hitch, square knot, fusing and whipping).
Station 3 – Making First Aid kits and demonstration (snakebite, tick bites, nosebleed).
Station 4 – Fire Safety / Fire building competition.
Station 5 – Orienteering (map and compass) / Treasure Hunt.
4:00pm - Dinner prep – Webelos.
5:00pm - Dinner (Burgers and Kosher Hotdogs).
7:00pm - Campfire program - 1 skit and 1 song per Den followed by Smores/Cocoa.
10:00pm - Lights out.
Sunday October 5th  - Class A or B uniform
8:30am Pack Breakfast (Coffee, Tea, Muffins and Omelets)
9:00am Meet at the flagpole for the Leave No Trace sweepstakes – All Scouts! Prizes!
9:30am Closing ceremony.

Monday, September 8, 2014

September Pack Meeting

Boat Builders

The Old Shoe Game

Goodie Time

Pack Meeting Tonight!

Pack 766 Pack Meeting: Welcome New Scouts, Awards, Popcorn and More!
When: Mon Sep 8, 2014 18:30 – 19:30 (PDT)
Where: St Catherine Parish Center
Additional information: All Scouts are welcome to attend and get to know our new Scout families. We'll be giving out awards earned over the summer, hearing about our popcorn fundraiser, playing some fun games, and learning some Scout skills.
If you know of a boy in grades 1 to 5 who would be interested in joining Scouts, bring them along and show them how much fun it is.
Big announcement about Popcorn sales (major annual fundraiser). Cool prizes to be announced.
Totals for this weekends Pack Yard Sale will also be revealed!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

A small dedicated work force put on the first annual Pack 766 Yard sale. Totals to be announced at Monday's Pack meeting.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Good Morning Scouters.  We will be testing upgrades to our Social Media System for the next few days....please bear (or tiger or wolf...) with us as we make a few tweeks so that we can enjoy a improved on line experience - Daniel Skeen


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A reminder to about the Yard/Garage/Rummage Sale at St Catherine's this Saturday from 8 till 3. 

We need your good but unwanted items to sell with all procedes going to the Pack. 

Volunteers are need to sell, bargain and meet with your friends.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pack 766 Pack Meeting: Welcome New Scouts and receive summer Awards!


Mon Sep 8, 2014 18:30 – 19:30 (PDT)


St Catherine Parish Center

Additional information:  All Scouts are welcome to attend and get to know our new Scout families. We'll be giving out awards earned over the summer, hearing about our popcorn fundraiser, playing some fun games, and learning some Scout skills.

If you know of a boy in grades 1 to 5 who would be interested in joining Scouts, bring them along and show them how much fun it is.

See you there!