Thursday, September 18, 2014

Scouters Closet

Pack 766 is opening a 'Scouters Closet' to provide members of the Pack with uniforms,  written material and other scout related equipment. 

One of the major cost to families that take part in Scouting is uniforms.  Items such as hats, belts, neckerchiefs and slides are changed out each year as our Scouts progress in rank. Growing Scouts bust out of uniforms long before they wear out.

We are is collecting your lightly used scout uniforms and storing them until they are need by members of the Pack.

Items shall be provided to members of the Pack with out any requirements.  Anyone that asks will be provided with enough materials for their Scout.

If you have Scout related items (books, crafts, ropes and the like) we will welcome them all.

If you have something to contribute to the Scouters Closet please email Daniel  or Debbie Skeen or see us at the Next Pack Meeting.

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