Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Event Announcement

 Fall Campout October 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2014.

Mt, Madonna County Park
 (Arrowhead, Cherokee and Buckhorn youth sites).

All Scouts and their families are invited.

Achievement activities for Scouts include:
 Geocaching, Leave no Trace, Poisonous plants and dangerous animals, Knots, First Aid, Fire Safety and Building, Map and Compass, Treasure Hunt, Camp Fire Activities!

Overnight Campers cost is $35.00, Day Only $20.00, payable before October 1, 2014. John Prescott ( JohnDPrescott@gmail.com ) will be collecting the funds. You will not have to pay a fee at the gate.

Standard camping gear for this event. Remember it does get chilly in the morning and the fog may get things wet overnight (bring your rain fly!).  Sorry, Absolutely no Pets Allowed. Be Prepared to cary your equipment 50-100 yards.

Schedule of Events:

Friday October 3rd 
6:00pm - Arrive and set up camp – free time.
10:00pm – Lights out.
Saturday October 4th - Class A uniform
7:00am – Breakfast – Dens on their own.
9:30am - Opening Ceremony at the flag pole – Webelos Color Guard / Den training
10:00am - Geocaching / Hike by Rank
11:30am - Lunch @ Amphitheater.
12:00pm - Ranger talk on local wildlife / conservation project.
1:00pm - Return to camp (skit and song practice).
2:00pm -  Scout stations, 20 minutes each – Led by Boy Scouts
Station 1 – Leave No trace / Poisonous plants and dangerous animals.
Station 2 – Tent Race and knots (half and taut line hitch, square knot, fusing and whipping).
Station 3 – Making First Aid kits and demonstration (snakebite, tick bites, nosebleed).
Station 4 – Fire Safety / Fire building competition.
Station 5 – Orienteering (map and compass) / Treasure Hunt.
4:00pm - Dinner prep – Webelos.
5:00pm - Dinner (Burgers and Kosher Hotdogs).
7:00pm - Campfire program - 1 skit and 1 song per Den followed by Smores/Cocoa.
10:00pm - Lights out.
Sunday October 5th  - Class A or B uniform
8:30am Pack Breakfast (Coffee, Tea, Muffins and Omelets)
9:00am Meet at the flagpole for the Leave No Trace sweepstakes – All Scouts! Prizes!
9:30am Closing ceremony.

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